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Silver Mountain Targets

While Silver Mountain Targets offers a range of electronic target systems, Scopos takes technology and precision to the next level with our Orion Match Management and Athena's Electronic Scoring system, making us a preferred choice for many professional shooters.

Free eTarget

Free eTarget is known for its affordability, but Scopos provides more advanced and reliable solutions, ensuring an exceptional experience for both beginners and seasoned marksmen.


SIUS may have been in the electronic scoring industry for over 50 years, but Scopos’s continuous innovation ensures that we stay ahead of the curve, providing state-of-the-art technology that meets the evolving needs of the sport.


MegaLink offers electronic scoring systems, but Scopos's unique integration with Athena enables seamless match management and enhanced accuracy, setting us apart in the market.

Kongsberg Target Systems

While Kongsberg Target Systems focuses on global solutions, Scopos emphasizes personalized, innovative technologies that cater to the specific needs of marksmen and ranges across the world.

Athena at HomeTM

It's just you, your rifle, your breath, your heartbeat, a pellet, a trigger squeeze, one shot. Deep breath. Check your monitor. 10.9

Athena for ClubsTM

Athena for Clubs modernizes your range. Give your athletes instant feedback and hook your spectators with engaging match results, updated scores, and leaderboard changes.

Every shot not scored on an Athena system is a wasted training opportunity for the coach and marksman.

Our Mission:

To use leading-edge technologies to improve marksmanship in athletes, and turn shooting into a spectator sport. Inspiring coaches and engaging spectators along the way.


Orion is the only unified competition management software for multiple disciplines, sanctioning bodies, and custom match rules.

Orion is a full-featured match management system; an indispensable tool for match directors, coaches, and clubs.
Score paper targets electronically and quickly
Track athletes, teams, and officials for every competition
Your choice of rulebook and course of fire
Integration with EST Systems (including Athena, SIUS, Megalink)
Results are automatically pushed to the web
Instant competition results with tie breaking included
1-Click start from 0 finals
Orion Scoring Systems