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Shooter's Technology, LLC Privacy Policy

Effective: June 6, 2019
Last Update: June 6, 2019
Privacy is, and has always been, an essential element of Shooter’s Technology, LLC and its team. As part of our services, we may receive certain information about you, some of which is personal. We have created this policy to explain:
What information we collect about you and why we do it;
Who provides us with this information and when they do it;
How you can update, receive, and delete this information; and
How we collect, use, share, disclosure, and protect this information.
You must accept our privacy policy to use our desktop software, our Orion Website or our Orion Mobile Application (“Platforms”), or our services. If you have questions about this policy, please contact us immediately. In the event we update this policy, we will revise the “last updated” date at the top. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this policy for any updates.
Please also see our Terms of Service immediately. In the event we update this policy, we will revise the “last updated” date at the top. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this policy for any updates.



As part of our services, we may collect some personal information about you. This information is received and collected in various ways and is needed:
To register you as a user to participate through our Platforms in use of the Orion Scoring System;
To communicate with you or request information and feedback;
To display upcoming competitions and competition results;
To provide or display promotional material, meaningful ads, and general company news;
To improve the quality of and to grow our services; and
To personalize your experience on our Platforms and through our services.
Payment Information. If we collect your billing address, we may keep it in an invoice for our records on a secure server, which is a protected, electronic filing cabinet that stores all of your information we have collected, our information, and information of others. If we collect your credit card or debit card information, it and your billing address may be sent to our vendor to process your payment. Basic sales data, such as the products purchased, will also be collected.
Sensitive Information. We do not knowingly accept sensitive information and will take reasonable steps under the law to destroy any sensitive information provided to us. Please do not provide us any sensitive information, such as a social security number, driver’s license, tax number, identification card, civil registration number, or health insurance information. The only information that we knowingly accept that a user may determine to be sensitive in nature is a birthdate. A birthdate is necessary to place the user in the appropriate age bracket. You may opt-out of providing your birthdate, or request that we remove it by contacting us, but this will limit your use of our services.


As part of our services, we may collect some information about your participation in certain competitions, matches and events. This information is received and collected in various ways and is needed to provide information related to your results from participating in competitions, matches and events.
Attributes. Users may select certain attributes that help specify or describe the nature of their participation in certain competitions, matches or events. Users may select from a preset number of attributes or create their own, such as age range, equipment class (e.g. Sporter or Prevision Air Rifle), skill classification, and membership numbers. Once selected, attribute values are assigned to the user for use in the user’s profile as well as for designation in a competition, match, or event.
Competition, Match, and Event Configuration. This information describes how a competition, match or event is configured, including course of fire, event and stage styles, rulebooks, range information, types of targets, attributes used, method of scoring, ranking rules, sanctioning information, squadding configuration and privacy settings.
Competition, Match, and Event Data. This information is specific data collected during a competition, match or event as determined by the its configuration. This information may include raw score data, result COF data, squadding data, lists of competitors, teams, and officials, basic user data and attribute values on each participant, incident reports, result lists, and log files.
Raw Score Data. This information is the unprocessed data that we generate or collect from a specific competition, match or event. Most commonly, this information includes the images or photographs of targets. It can also include score data inputted from outside scoring systems.
Result Course of Fire (COF). This information is the processed score data generated during a competition, match or event. It contains precise information on how a competitor or team in each competition, match or event performed. It also contains basic user data and attribute values on that competitor or team.
Result Lists. This information is a ranking of competitors or teams based on how they performed (Result COF) in a competition, match or event. Rankings are determined by the ranking rules. Results lists will contain abbreviated Result COF data on each competitor or team which often includes scores, basic user data, and attribute values.
Account Information. This information is the data collected to maintain licenses for desktop users, including organization name, point of contact name and contact information, secondary point of contact name and contact information, copies of license(s), account numbers, hashed passwords, and added notes.
Result Center Settings. This information is collected to determine how a desktop user wants his or her account to be seen (or not seen) within the Result Center. The Result Center contains the Result Lists.
Incident Reports. This information may be collected during the course of a competition, match or event for recordation of atypical occurrence, such as a competitor firing an early or late shot, an equipment malfunction, etc.
Competition, Match, and Event Log Files. In the course of a competition, match or event, we generate a log files that contain the name, time, and data of certain competitions, matches and events.


As part of our services, we may collect some anonymous information about you. This information is needed to allow us to:
Improve the quality of and to grow our services; and
Attempt to fix any issues we or you may have with our services or Platforms.
Cookies. We may collect anonymous information about you through the use of a cookie, which is a small piece of information stored on your computer and accessed by us when you are using our Platforms.
Rejecting Cookies. Most web browsers are initially setup to accept cookies. However, if you prefer, you can set your browser to either notify you when you receive a cookie or to refuse to accept cookies. You should understand that some features of many websites may not function properly if you don’t accept cookies.
Anonymous Information. We may collect some or the following anonymous information about you:
The operating system you are using, such as Microsoft Windows 10®;
The web browser you are using to view our website, such as Microsoft Internet Explorer®;
The mobile device you use to access our mobile application, such as Android or iPhone;
Your user agent, which helps us identify such things as your operating system and web browser;
The uniform resource locator (URL) you are accessing, which tells us the specific web address and certain pages on our Platforms which you are viewing; and
Location information for matching users to local competitions, matches and events.
We store your credit card information in our database for smoothing the client user experience during check out. We do NOT store the CVV (CSC) number located on the front or back of your credit card. Without this number, your credit card cannot be charged.
IP Address. Most web browsers are initially setup to accept cookies. However, if you prefer, you can set your browSome of the information we collect is identified by a unique Internet Protocol (IP) address, which is a unique number assigned to you by someone else, typically your internet service provider (ISP), such as Verizon® or Comcast®, or through a device, such as a router or modem, that allows you to connect to the Internet. While these numbers may appear to be nothing more than a string of numbers with periods, an IP address has the ability to potentially identify you. For example, in some circumstances, an ISP may be subpoenaed, which is a legal request for information, with such request asking an ISP to identify the account subscriber connected with an IP address that the ISP issued. In response, an ISP, subject to certain rights and responsibilities, may provide an account subscriber’s information, which may include the name, address, and other contact information of an account subscriber. While the likelihood of this circumstance is remote for most IP addresses, we wanted you to at least know why an IP address may be considered personal information as opposed to strictly anonymous information.


The Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 and its rules (collectively, “COPPA”) require us to inform parents and legal guardians about our practices for collecting, using, and disclosing personal information from children under the age of 13 (“children”). It also requires us to obtain verifiable consent from a child’s parent or guardian for certain collection, use, and disclosure of the child’s personal information. This section only applies to children under the age of 13 and supplements the other provisions of this Privacy Policy.
Information We Collect from Children
Children can access many parts of the Orion Scoring System and its content and use many of its features without providing us with personal information. However, some content and features are available only to registered users or require us to collect certain information, including personal information, from them. In addition, we use certain technologies, such as cookies, to automatically collect information from our users (including children) when they visit or use our services. We only collect as much information about a child as is reasonably necessary for the child to participate in an activity, and we do not condition his or her participation on the disclosure of more personal information than is reasonably necessary. We use the personal information we collect from your child for the same purposes set forth in Section I of this Privacy Policy unless otherwise limited by law.
Information We Collect Directly
A child must provide us with the following information to register for our services: the child’s name, birth date, and a parent or guardian’s email address. We also require the child to create a member name and password. We may request additional information from your child, but this information is optional. We specify whether information is required or optional when we request it. Please help us protect your children’s privacy by teaching them never to provide personal information without your permission. We encourage you to spend time with your children when they are online or using any mobile device or connected product so you understand the features of any service and the activities they allow, and to adopt available device and browser controls that reflect your preferences about your children’s ability to access the internet or make purchases online.
Automatic Information Collection
We use technology to automatically collect certain information from our users, including children, when they access and navigate through our Platforms. The information we collect through these technologies may include:
One or more persistent identifiers that can be used to recognize a user over time and across different websites and online services.
Information that identifies a device's location (geolocation information).
Our Practices for Disclosing Children's Information
We do not share, sell, rent, or transfer children's personal information other than as described in this section. We may disclose aggregated information about many of our users for purposes of the Orion Scoring System. In addition, we may disclose children'’ personal information:
To third parties we use to support the internal operations of our Platforms and applications and who are bound by contractual or other obligations to use the information only for such purpose and to keep the information confidential;
If we are required to do so by law or legal process, such as to comply with any court order or subpoena or to respond to any government or regulatory request;
If we believe disclosure is necessary or appropriate to protect the rights, property, or safety of Shooter’s Technology, LLC, our customers or others, including to:
protect the safety of a child;
protect the safety and security of our services; or
enable us to take precautions against liability.
To law enforcement agencies or for an investigation related to public safety.
Accessing and Correcting Your Child's Personal Information
At any time, you may review the child's personal information maintained by us, require us to correct or delete the personal information, and/or require us to take commercially reasonable efforts to no longer collect or use your child's information. You can review, change, or delete your child’s personal information by:
Logging into your child’s account and visiting his or her account profile page; or
We take certain security measures to help protect your personal information from accidental loss and from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Our Platforms may contain links to websites operated by other people or companies that are not controlled by us. We have no responsibility or liability for the policies, activities or content of these other websites. We store your information on a secure server as explained above and we exchange emails in a secure manner and using a secure software. However, we cannot guarantee that unauthorized persons will always be unable to defeat or circumvent our security measures. In the event that we learn that our security measures were breached, we will take immediate steps to attempt to notify the public.


All forms of competition, match and event data depending on the settings of the competition, match or event, may be accessed through the Orion Mobile Application, Orion Desktop, Result Center, the Orion Website or through printed copies.
This data may only be changed through the Orion Desktop.
Account Information may be accessed and updated through the Orion Website or by contacting us. Sales data can be created through the Orion Website or by contacting our offices. It may only be updated by contacting our offices.
Orion Mobile Application
A mobile application user may view all public and protected Result COF and squadding data related to their use of our services. A user also may disassociate themselves from a Result COF score data. This does not delete the data, but removes the association of the user from the Result COF score. Application users may also delete their account using the application. Doing so deletes their basic user information (i.e., account information) from our system and deletes all Result COF that they own. However, Result COF data generated in a public competition, match or event is owned by the competition, match or event sponsor and cannot be deleted in this way. A mobile application user may update or access their basic user data and attribute values at any time using the application.
Orion Desktop
A desktop user has the ability to create, edit, and delete competition, match or event data (i.e., Attributes, Result COF, squadding, etc.). Users may set the privacy of this data to private, protected, or public, as more fully described below, and may share this data through printed forms, copying the underling competition, match or event data file, or by creating and sharing .csv files.
All Users
Account holders may disable their Result Center team page. This will effectively turn all of the user’s public privacy matches (and match data) to protected privacy. It will hide their club from the Result Center. However, it does not delete any data, nor does it prevent athletes from seeing their own Result COF data.
Information received or collected does not expire or get deleted. This is due to the natural length of the process and the specific services that we provide. We do not control how someone other than ourselves keeps personal information, such as our licensees. We do not knowingly delete your personal information, unless requested to do so by the persons or company who provided us with the information or unless you or they do so themselves. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that your personal information will not be deleted, lost or changed due to unauthorized access of our Platforms, server, email, or services, or due to other reasons beyond our control, such as failure of our electronic server.
For any other requests or concerns, please contact us.
We may make backup copies of Orion Desktop competition, match and event data files, which contains all information pertaining to the conduct of a competition, match or event, to cloud based servers. This data may also include the raw target images. These backups are only available to the account holder and our employees. An account holder has the ability to share his or her backup data with outside organizations (e.g. Civilian Marksmanship Program). We may use these backup files to:
Help resolve customer support issues;
Product development and testing; and
Verify scores in a competition.
We will display public competition, match or event data (e.g. scores, results, etc.) on Orion’s Result Center and within the Orion Mobile Application. This includes ranked results of a competition, match or event, and target images for a competition, match or event. Currently this information is contained within each competition, match or event.
We will use user’s locations, basic contact data and attribute data to display meaningful ads to users of the Orion Mobile Application and Result Center.
We may use backup copies, sent to our cloud, to help troubleshoot customer problems, enhance our product and algorithm designs, and verify scores shot in competitions, matches and events.


Information collected and shared by us is dependent primarily upon two (2) factors: (1) the privacy setting you select and (2) the user who is requesting information.
1. Public Setting
Result COF. Scores, both overall and each event within a competition, match or event, are publicly displayed within the Result Center and the Orion Mobile Application. There may be a graphic depiction of a competitor’s shots, both within the Result Center and the Orion mobile application. Result lists are calculated and displayed, both within the Result Center and the Orion Mobile Application. Result lists may include live intermediate results, preliminary, and final results. Users will receive alerts on their phones when stage and event scores are completed and known. Users may view their own scores and shot graphs. Designated officials may view user’s scores as well. This is necessary for the correct and safe conduct of a competition, match or event. Users may view their score history within the Orion Mobile Application. Score history allows a user to view their performance over time. Officials using the Orion Desktop may still export data outside of the system. Result data may be shared by printing results, exporting to a .csv file, sharing the competition, match or event data file, or reporting results to a national governing body.
Squadding. All squadding data is available online and within the Orion Mobile Application, to all types of users. Users may view their own squadding from within the Orion Mobile Application. Designated officials may view squadding.
Incident Report. Incident Reports are stored in the cloud. Designated officials may view incident reports within the Orion Mobile Application or the Orion Desktop.
Configuration and Data. Configuration and data from competitions, matches and events are uploaded to the cloud and distributed to the Result Center and Orion Mobile Application for viewing.
2. Protected Setting
Result COF. No Result COF data is available online or within the Orion Mobile Application. Officials using the Orion Desktop may still export data outside of the system. Result data may be shared by printing results, exporting to a .csv file, sharing the competition, match or event data file, or reporting results to a national governing body.
Squadding. No Squadding data is available online or within the Orion Mobile Application. Officials using the Orion Desktop may still export squadding data outside of the system. Squadding data may be shared by printing, exporting to a .csv file, or sharing the competition, match or event data file.
DISCLAIMER. We may also share your personal information or anonymous information as required by law, in a matter of public safety or policy, as needed in connection with the transfer of our business assets (for example, if we are bought by another company), or if we believe in good faith that sharing the information is necessary to protect our rights or property.
CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS. If you are a California resident, California law may provide you with additional rights regarding our use of your personal information. Under California Civil Code § 1798.83, California residents have the right to receive, once a year, information about third parties with whom we have shared information about you for their marketing purposes during the previous calendar year, and a description of the categories of personal information shared. To make such a request, please contact us. We will respond to you within 30 days of receiving such a request.
Social Media. We may market our services through various means. This includes social media channels such as Google AdWords, AdMob, and Facebook. We may provide these channels with limited hashed data to cross-check with theirs to create an audience.
We do not sell, trade or rent personal information to anyone.
Newsletter and Email Lists. We run several email lists with content that is hand crafted by our team. This content typically involves upcoming competitions, past competitions results, and company news. However, on occasion, we also send emails on behalf of third-party groups. You may opt-out of these lists at any time by clicking the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any of the emails. This does not affect the use of our services.
Mobile Application Push Notifications. For users using our mobile application, we will send you push notifications on your mobile device. You may opt-out of these notifications through the settings on your mobile device or through your profile settings on the mobile application.
It is our policy to post any changes we make to our privacy policy on this page. If we make material changes to how we treat our users’ personal information, we will notify you through a notice on the Shooter's Tech website. The date the Privacy Policy was last revised is identified at the top of the page.