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Athena Summer Maintenance

Athena Summer Maintenance

If your Athena range sees a lot of use, it could use some TLC after a long season. Scopos offers annual maintenance appointments, usually during the summer, to help keep your range working as efficiently as possible. 

What's Covered in a Maintenance Appointment

A maintenance appointment will cover all things relating to your Athena range. A Scopos technician will come to you and make sure your range is in the best shape possible to prevent problems before they happen during your season. Some of the primary things covered will be:

1. Software Updates - Updating all Orion and Athena software ensures you are getting all possible features out of your range. We release updates every month or two, sometimes with important or interesting changes and new features.
2. Clean and Lubricate Targets - Your target's physical condition can determine how smoothly your matches go. We will clean and lubricate all necessary parts of your ESTs, and check for any other potential physical problems before your season goes into full swing.
3. Recalibration - Calibrating the camera, automatic lift, and tape feed ensures the expected behavior of your targets. Shots will be scored as accurately as possible and target height will stay congruent across your range while conforming to rulebook standards.
4. Coach Training - Athena and Orion's deep feature set and regular updates mean there are always new features to use or new ways to streamline your matches. We want to make sure coaches are prepared as possible to get the most out of their upcoming season.


These appointments are best before the start of a fall season, as availability becomes limited in the fall. Adding in an annual maintenance appointment with an extended warranty will grant a 40% discount off the extended warranty. To schedule an appointment, contact us today. 


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