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Introducing Athlete Profiles

Introducing Athlete Profiles

Scopos is pleased to announce Athlete Profiles, a brand new feature in Rezults. Athlete Profiles allow athletes to share who they are, and all of the public competition scores they shot, in one page on the Internet. 

Athlete Profiles came about from our commitment to turn shooting into a spectator sport. Simply put, the sport needs a public place for athletes to highlight their achievements; engaging spectators as they learn about the athletes they want to follow. 

Rezult’s Athlete Profiles are an extension of Score History, a power feature that lets athletes collect and view all of the scores they shoot in one place, regardless of the location, competition or practice, or style of shooting. There are however three important differences between Athlete Profiles and Score History. Athlete Profiles may be seen by everyone. Athletes, coaches, friends, parents, or even prospective NCAA coaches can all see an Athlete’s profile. Second, only public competition scores are included. Practice scores are kept confidential for only the athlete to see. Third, the athlete has complete control over if they have a Profile and what information about them is shared.

We welcome athletes to start creating their profiles today by logging on at

How Do I Turn on My Athlete Profile?

Athlete Profiles are optional, each athlete has the right to choose to have one or not. Athletes may additionally choose to disable their profile after they have created it.

To create:

  1. Athletes need to log into their Scopos account at 
  2. From there open their My Profile page. 
  3. Scroll down to the section, “Unleash Your Profile: Go Public and Take Center Stage!” 
  4. Click the Edit button.
  5. Choose how you want your name to appear on your profile.
  6. Choose a “Rezults URL” which will be your profile’s name and shortcut.
  7. Click Save. 

What Information Can I Share?

Here are the fields you may choose to share publicly. All are optional.

  • Name
  • Scores trends from your chosen shooting styles
  • Date of Birth
  • Hometown and Country
  • Training Categories
  • Gender and pronouns
  • Social media accounts
  • High School Class
  • College Class

Outside of social media accounts and NCAA ID, we have specifically chosen, with this initial release, not to provide options to share your contact information (email, phone, address) publicly.


How Do I Choose Which Information to Share? 

With the release of Athlete Profiles comes a brand new profile editor in Rezults. With it, athletes may easily edit their information, choose what to show publicly, and most importantly, easily see what they have chosen to share publicly. 

A lock image means you have chosen not to share this piece of information publicly.

An eyeball image means you have chosen to share this piece of information publicly.

What is My Rezults URL?

Your Rezults URL is like your profile name on facebook or your username on X (formally called Twitter). It’s a unique name given to only your account. 

You may choose your own Rezults URL, however you’re limited to using only the lowercase letters a through z.

For example:

How Do I Add Scores to My Athlete Profile?

Adding scores to your public profile is the fun part, you basically just shoot in competitions. 

When you shoot in any publicly available competition managed by Orion your scores will automatically be added to your Athlete Profile page. The Match Director does have to enable sharing scores publicly and they then have to use your email address to link to your Scopos account within the Orion match. So if you don’t see your scores, be sure to ask the Match Director to check the match’s settings.


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