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Monthly Archives: August 2023

Schedule an Appointment with a Scopos Customer Outreach Specialist

Schedule an Appointment with a Scopos Customer Outreach Specialist
Orion for Clubs Customers,Did you know you can schedule a free, 30 minute, one on one, session with a member of our customer outreach specialist team? We want you to get the most out of the powerful Orion Scoring System software your club or team now owns. With all the features Orion has to offer, ...
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Introducing Group Mode

Introducing Group Mode
What is Group Mode?Among Athena’s many unique training modes, our newest release focuses on bringing back the advantages of training group size and consistency: Group Mode. A major, if not the only, drawback of switching from paper to electronic targets is the loss of the ability to effectively ...
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Release of Orion Version 2.19.0 and Athena Version 1.6.1

Release of Orion Version 2.19.0 and Athena Version 1.6.1
Scopos is pleased to announce the latest enhancement release to both Orion and Athena. The biggest new feature in this release lets athletes shooting on Athena to log in. Once logged in, their scores are automatically uploaded to their Score History, viewable at For ...
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Learn About the Basic Marksmanship Course Target

Learn About the Basic Marksmanship Course Target
The Basic Marksmanship Course (BMC) target was created by the Civilian Marksmanship Program, about 20 years ago, as a means to help introduce brand new athletes to air rifle shooting. The target has the same aiming bull dimensions as the standard air rifle target, but with scoring rings three times ...
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Introducing Direct Share

Introducing Direct Share
Scopos is pleased to announce the newest addition to Rezults: Direct Share.Direct Share is a groundbreaking feature that enhances the connection and competition among shooters and marksmanship enthusiasts. With just a click, users can now share their match results, individual scores, or detailed ...
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About Score History's Event Styles

About Score History's Event Styles
Two weeks ago, Scopos announced Score History, a powerful new tool built into Rezults that lets athletes track all of their scores online. Regardless of the course of fire, where those scores were shot, or if they were practice or competition. A key concept behind this new feature is called Event ...
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5 Tips to Start the School Year

5 Tips to Start the School Year
Teachers, here are five tips to jumpstart your year and get the most out of your Orion software.Tip 1: Check Your Orion and Athena SuppliesYou won’t want to run out of targets early in the school year. Go ahead and check your supplies of Orion targets and Athena paper rolls. If you need to ...
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Orion at Home is Now Free

Orion at Home is Now Free
Last week Scopos announced Score History, a powerful new feature that lets athletes link all of their practice scores and all of their competition scores in one convenient place, their desktop browser or mobile device. This week, to make sure every athlete has an opportunity to track their practice ...
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