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Introducing Score History

Introducing Score History

Imagine, every score you will ever shoot, no matter the discipline, no matter the location, no matter the course of fire. Imagine this includes all your competition scores and all your practice scores. And imagine all of these scores sent securely to the most convenient place possible: the palm of your hand.

Introducing Scopos' Score History
Available Now for Athletes on Rezults

How Does it Work?

Step 1: Athletes Create a Free Scopos Account

Create a free Scopos account from Rezults. Visit to create your account today and start tracking your scores.

Step 2: Links Competitors in Orion to their Account

Match Directors and Stat Officers, use the athlete's email address from their Scopos Account to link their scores to their account.

Step 3: Log On to Rezults to View Your Score History

Athletes, log in to Rezults at to view your score history scores, trends, and graphs.


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