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Tag Archives: NC100

An Improvement To The Athena EST Mechanical Lift

An Improvement To The Athena EST Mechanical Lift
Scopos is constantly looking for ways to innovate and improve both Orion and Athena. Our most recent improvement is to the mechanical lift of our Athena ESTs. Our new cable operated pulley lift system is an improvement over the previous threaded rod lift in several ways:Quieter: Existing Athena ...
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Hospital Firing Points and Athena

Hospital Firing Points and Athena
To assign hospital points or not to assign hospital points, that is the question. When you run a competition you want everything to go perfectly. You familiarize yourself with the rulebook, you instruct your volunteers, and you even run a few practice matches just to be sure you and your range are ...
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See Athena's Accuracy With Your Own Eyes

See Athena's Accuracy With Your Own Eyes
As Americans we have a saying: “trust but verify.” When it comes to Electronic Scoring Targets (ESTs) I will openly admit that many of Athena’s competitors can be trusted; they are accurate systems. However, despite their exceedingly high price point, shots scored on their ESTs can not be ...
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What's the Difference Between the NC100 and NC200?

What's the Difference Between the NC100 and NC200?
One of the most common questions we get is, "what is the difference between the Athena NC100 and NC200?" Let's take a moment to explore their differences. The Similarities Both the NC100 and NC200 are part of Athena's family of Electronic Scoring Targets (ESTs). Both scores shots to within .1mm, ...
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Introducing Group Mode

Introducing Group Mode
What is Group Mode?Among Athena’s many unique training modes, our newest release focuses on bringing back the advantages of training group size and consistency: Group Mode. A major, if not the only, drawback of switching from paper to electronic targets is the loss of the ability to effectively ...
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Learn About the Basic Marksmanship Course Target

Learn About the Basic Marksmanship Course Target
The Basic Marksmanship Course (BMC) target was created by the Civilian Marksmanship Program, about 20 years ago, as a means to help introduce brand new athletes to air rifle shooting. The target has the same aiming bull dimensions as the standard air rifle target, but with scoring rings three times ...
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Bench Matches: A Scopos Customer's $5000 Idea

Bench Matches: A Scopos Customer's $5000 Idea
The American Legion Post 295 in Green Springs, OH successfully uses "Bench Matches" to fundraise for their shooting team. In a recent bench match they raised nearly $5000 and added to their Athena range. Bench matches benefit the team more than just financially, they also serve to engage the local ...
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Refurbished NC100s Now On Sale

Refurbished NC100s Now On Sale
Refurbished NC100 firing points are now on sale and available on Scopos' web store. Rebuilt and retested, these unit comes complete with a DoW100 athlete Monitor and refurbished NC100 Target with mechanical lift. Save big with a $200 discount but with the same 1 year warrantee as our new NC100 ...
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Five Maintenance Tips When Using Athena

Five Maintenance Tips When Using Athena
New to Athena or new to taking care of an electronic scoring target (EST) range? Here are five tips you can start using today to better take care of your range. Maintenance Mode Going down range to work on your Targets? Your first step should be to put the Targets into maintenance mode. ...
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